Saturday, September 26, 2009


Ok, so I'm just gonna say this here and have a complete whinge - I am sick and tired of feeling f**king sick and tired. It is **really** not fair!!!

Once again I am having a perfectly lovely weekend ruined by the fact that I am in pain and have no energy whatsoever. I have this "lovely" decision making trade off of being in pain or taking enough drugs to mask the pain but put me into complete sickly feeling gross land.

Anyhoo, this was just my need to make a complete digital scream cause I am sure that my friends on Facebook and Twitter are completely sick of hearing my whinge. Hell, I am completely sick of hearing me whinge so I think I'm just gonna end this right here.....


Sunday, August 30, 2009

Birthday Hangover

Ok, so successfully managed to throw a house party last night for way more people than have ever been in my house *and* I managed not to kill myself in multiple stages of the preparation (including setting up a tarp roof over the terrace in wicked strong wind cause it looked like rain and actually cooking for 20-30 people without any recorded instances of food poisoning).

So, I call it a success.

On the other side of this, I am officially older. And I know this because after 2 nights of seriously partying I am feeling every month of my 27 years :-P

Sunday, July 26, 2009


Meh, well I haven't been as good with attempting to keep up with this as I said I would. It has kinda fallen into the black hole of Internet that is currently consuming my life :-P

Friend of mine Grant wants to get me into gaming and is using the new Star Wars game as incentive (not fair!) but I am trying to resist. Aside from real life I currently have Facebook, Twitter, GMail, GTalk, LiveJournal, this Blog and The Bronze forum. I'm not sure I need another addiction else I may need to give up something essential like sleep or work (neither would be conducive to my ongoing standard of living).

Speaking of, I bought a fan-f**kin-tastically awesome TV yesterday. Panasonic Viera 42" Full HD Plasma and, and, **and** it comes from a free Wii Console. Freaking sweet if you ask me.
Anyhoo, this is rambly cause I am mixing pain killers with beer and chilling in bed due to some serious pain issues.

Love ya all.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Silly mistakes and handy hints...

Silly things that I have done this week...

Wore my comfy jeans with ripped out knees to clean the kitchen. Caught holes in jeans not once but twice on handles of cupboards and dishwasher and nearly faceplanted into the bench top.

Ran out of dishwashing powder and put **small** amount of organic bathroom cleaner in dishwasher instead. Results still pending. Hopefully this does not result in a kitchen full of bubbles (though, I am not hopeful).

Fridge is leaking. Instead of fixing I put an old towel on the floor. Now tiles are funny brown colour from burn marks on towel (oven mishap some months ago).

And some handy hints that actually work...

Plant a vegetable garden. Now, hear me out. I had a planter box already so that was easy. Put some seedlings in it and give it marginal attention. Once a month, go outside and get all your aggression out by yanking out the weeds that have grown in the past month. Then spend the following day in bed with a warm water bottle completely guilt free because a) you did the gardening and b) from the sore muscles in your back/arms/stomach you actually got a work out. Totally justifiable reasons for doing nothing for a whole day.

I am really bad at finishing meals. I will eat something halfway and then not feel like it anymore. So I put it in the fridge, on it's plate with it's cutlery. Then when I do feel like eating it again it comes straight back out and I can re-use the cutlery. Works well for ice cream too.

To begin...

How's about a little bit about myself. I am a single female living in Sydney. Almost a year ago I finally flew from the family nest (a little late at 25 but we'll get to that later) and have been living in a little townhouse I purchased in the next suburb over ever since.

When I first moved, I had high expectations of living alone and being able to do my own thing whenever I wanted. I come from a big family of 6 siblings and my mother run's a home-based childcare centre so home was never a quiet place to be.

What I did not realise, was that the magical cooking/cleaning fairy did not move with me. I have never been a overly messy person, and certainly never thought that I didn't put my fair share of weight around the house, however having a clean home requires a dedication that I didn't know was possible.

Having a roster for doing the cleaning works brilliantly in a large home. When you live alone... not so much.

So, here I am a year on. I go through phases with my cleaning. I love my house to be clean yet I can't seem to make that final step in working out how to maintain that and I will often do anything to procrastinate a little longer (like, hmmm, starting a blog).

But, I'm trying...

And, so as a learning experience I will put my journey to page and see if at least one person (me) can learn from her mistakes.